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Upgrade Existing Projects to 5.5

Migrate from Overlay Material to Outline Material

Previously, outlines were rendered using Overlay Material in a translucent manner, which caused unnecessary performance overhead.
A new Mooa Outline Material specifically designed for outlines has been added. It works similarly to Overlay Material but implements "Reverse Culling" to render only the backfaces of models. Additionally, the outline material is now opaque, significantly reducing performance costs.

You need to:

  1. Fix related references since M_OverlayOutline and MI_OverlayOutline have been renamed to M_Outline and MI_Outline. Redirectors will remain temporarily but may be removed in the future.
  2. Backup and migrate modifications: If you modified M_OverlayOutline, back up your project before updating, then migrate your changes to M_Outline afterward.
  3. Update character Actors: Move the outline material from Overlay Material to Mooa Outline Material on character Actors:

License Updates

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